ITSEC Newsletter 2023-08-31

Red team is best team

"Code injection gets used for many purposes, sometimes legitimate, sometimes nefarious. But how do you actually go about injecting code? When most people hear code injection, they think of things like buffer overflow attacks and return oriented programming. These rely on discovering vulnerabilities in some target program. What I often find more interesting are the ways that you can inject code into any process, regardless of security vulnerabilities."

"As I discussed in my Black Hat Asia talk, MSRC has de-facto shown that they are unwilling to service admin-to-PPL and admin-to-kernel vulnerabilities and that it requires the existence of turnkey tooling on GitHub to motivate Microsoft to action. This led me to release the admin-to-PPL exploit PPLFault and admin-to-kernel exploit chain GodFault as easy-to-use tools on GitHub. For brevity, below we'll call them “PPL vulnerability” and “kernel vulnerability”, respectively."

"As many routers did not understand this attribute, this was no problem for them. They just took the information and propagated it along. However it turned out that Juniper routers running even slightly modern software did understand this attribute, and since the attribute was corrupted the software in its default configuration would respond by raising an error that would shut down the whole BGP session. Since a BGP session is often a critical part of being “connected” to the wider internet, this resulted in the small Brazilian network disrupting other networks’ ability to communicate with the rest of the internet, despite being 1000’s of miles away."